Saturday, October 17, 2009

Mr. Tongue – The Mighty Monarch

I know I have to swim against the current in this chapter. I know you are all addicted
to taste. Whenever you eat something Mr. Tongue longs for more and more of it till
its desire is satiated.
Mr. Tongue enjoys the taste and pleasure of everything it eats and the body faces
the consequences. The teeth get angry at the unruly tongue! They question the
tongue how it can be happy and relaxed when they, the teeth, face many problems
of becoming weak, loosing strength and enamel coating. They tried to convince him
to stop eating sweets and many unwanted things. As long as they (teeth) were in
good condition they did not mind accepting them. When Mr. Tongue did not care for
them and adamant the teeth decided to teach him a lesson, when he comes between
The poor teeth and Mr. Tongue had a big fight. The tongue wanted to show his real
power to teeth. So he called a gentleman to come in front of him and used all
abusive words against him. Would that man receive it calmly? He gave one big slap!
It was so strong that two teeth fell down. The poor teeth were forced to yield to the
cunning nature of the tongue that was damaging the entire body due to his
‘One man’s meat is another man’s poison’. Mr. Tongue is enjoying whereas the body
is suffering. Tongue’s pleasure is a pain to the body. Unless you realize it, there
comes a day when all other parts of your body will become prone to diseases. Our
life’s purpose will not be fulfilled if we don’t curtail the freedom of Mr. Tongue, for
the benefit of all other parts.

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