Saturday, October 17, 2009

The Harmful Tastes

Food is the most important fundamental need. ‘We eat to live? Every organism
created by God – from the microscopic virus to the greatest creation Man – requires
food. The living organism and its surroundings have a bond between them! That
bond is the continuous flow of chemical elements into the body. That flow is possible
only through food!
Man requires food for the growth and development of his body! It is scientifically
proved that a proper food, not only gives energy to the body, but also helps in his
mental growth. His efficiency and capabilities also increase. ‘He who has health has
hope, and he who has hope has everything’. He who eats good food has good health
that increases his efficiency, his life span and his activeness even in old age.
The relationship between food and the living organism is not cut off at any time by
the other 8.4 million living beings. That’s why they live a happy go lucky life,
compared to man. It is pathetic that a human being, with perfect body mechanism,
should be so inconsiderate and negligent in caring his marvelous body. Man should
protect himself by taking the food that body needs, not the tongue. Instead if he
becomes a slave to tastes, he suffers both physically and mentally.
Every morsel of food you eat, can harm you or can help you depending on the type
of food you eat. If that morsel is of natural food, it makes friendship with everything
in the body it reaches the cells and provides energy to everything right from the toe
nail to each hair particle in you. On the contrary, if that morsel of food you eat
consists of unnatural, artificial, lifeless but tasteful, instead of providing energy to
the body, makes it lose greater energy in driving out the harmful. It means the food
that has to provide energy to the body, is causing harm to it.

Taste is different from food. Food is for protection. Taste is for destruction
The mix of food and taste kill the vitamins and minerals in the food that results in
the decrease of resistance power in the body. In fact the regular in take of food
protects your body and keeps it healthy. A healthy body contains all types of
nutrients and energy. Once you are powerful (healthy) you can fight against the
harmful tastes! When you have perfect health even if you yield to taste it doesn’t
harm you. Then you can have the cake and eat it too! Only then you can say the
wise creature-man is behaving intelligently with his health, body and taste. You are
the maker of your own health. Your body helps you to fulfill your duty (at work and
at home) without depending on anyone. Of course it is not that easy unless you
strongly make up your mind to lead such a life! ‘Good health depends primarily upon
right thinking and consequent right habits of life.’
Why should man alone suffer when no other creature does? It is because the strong
and intelligent man has a weakness for the unnatural tastes! The food is of many
tastes. To add insult to injury, that food is cooked, boiled, fried, completely changing
its original nature and ultimately pulling down man physically and mentally!
Yielding to taste is our age-old habit. Habit becomes second nature. If some thing is
done continuously it becomes a habit. If it is a good thing, it becomes a good habit
but if it is a bad thing, it becomes a bad habit. We are doing what we should not do
and we are not doing what we should! We eat all kinds of tasty food, but we don’t
have much physical activity. Consequently we are exposed to diseases and miseries
irrespective of our age. Most of the families spend much more money on tasty food
than they spend on essential food. That’s why these days majority (75%) of people
are sick and are healthy only 25%.
The natural food is made unnatural for the sake of taste. You drink the natural milk
with sugar or something else to taste good. You drink canned fruit juice with ice,
sugar etc. You can’t eat sprouts without making it spicy. You substitute water with
synthetic sodas, cold drinks and juices. You kill the natural smell of the vegetables.
You fry peas, groundnuts in salt and oil. Consequently your body, your internal parts
and your mind become unnatural. Your body has not only got used to such tastes,
but it has also lost resistance power against them. The body has come to such a
tragic state that it is able to relish only bad things and when good things are given it
reacts. It is like the initial rupture in the friendship between good and bad guys. The
friendship continues only when one yields to the other. It can be in any way. The
good can turn bad or vice versa but both should walk the same path. Likewise, if you
send good food into the body which is accustomed to bad food, it shows some
reaction. Let’s discuss some such reactions now.
As soon as you get up, if you drink two glasses of water, you get headache, or you
get a vomiting sensation. You may even vomit, but you don’t feel any of these if you
drink a cup of coffee or tea. You feel headache or heaviness in the eyes or a burning
sensation all over the body if you drink a glass of honey and limejuice at breakfast
time. But you have no problem whatsoever, if you eat varieties of unnatural food.
Head bath in cold water causes headache and cold. You can’t digest raw coconut but
you can digest meat and chicken happily.
You don’t get phlegm if you eat sweets, but you feel so when you eat fruits. You get
sneezing or allergies if you go in fog, but you are happy in A.C. room. You can’t bear
the natural atmosphere like sunlight, rain, sun’s heat but you don’t mind living in
closed, congested rooms. Many people complain they can’t bear this, they can’t
relish that or allergic to something!
Did you ever think for a minute what’s wrong with you why you, being born in
nature, being brought up in nature, can’t relish the food given by the very same

Do you know why we face some problems initially when we eat natural food? It is
simply because when the good goes in, bad is thrown out. For instance, observe your
breathing. Your lungs inhale oxygen that contains life energy and exhale carbon
dioxide (bad air). The same way, when you drink pure water you send out salty
urine. You can drive out darkness only by enkindling light.
Let’s analyze. You feel cold if you drink orange juice, but not so when you drink soda
or cold drinks! Why? If at all sodas are good for health, they can drive out the cold
and phlegm in you! But they do not! They are artificial ones created by man! They
do not have that energy! Whereas if you drink orange juice, whatever cold or
phlegm accumulated in you due to artificial and unnatural intakes is driven out of the
body the next day through mouth or nose. Natural food helps in cleaning your body
and unnatural food makes it dirty.
Ill health, of body or of mind, is defeat. Health alone is victory. So concentrate on
your health. Man is able to progress in any field, but is a miserable failure in the case
of his health. Why we alone, the human beings, are prone to diseases? It is our
ignorance and negligence towards health!
Now let’s analyze the difference between the health of A) Animals and that of human

Difference between A) Animals and human beings Man

A) Animal They know what their food is
B) Human being He doesn’t know what his food is
A) Animal The A) Animals that move in the day, rest at night and vice versa.
B) Human being He moves around both day and night.
A) Animal Eat natural food.

B) Human being Eats unnatural food (cooked food)
A) Animal Eat tasty food.
B) Human being Treats taste as food.
A) Animal Eat only when hungry.
B) Human being Eats irrespective of hunger.
A) Animal Eat only the required quantity.
B) Human being Uncontrolled eating
A) Animal Don’t drink water while eating.
B) Human being Drinks water only while eating.
A) Animal They shit as many times as they eat.
B) Human being Any number times he may eat- once in a day or once in two days only he gets motion.
A) Animal Some A) Animals eat only vegetarian
some eat non-vegetarian food.
B) Human being He eats both vegetarian and non-vegetarian.
A) Animal Get food only when they work for it
B) Human being Eats food without having to work.
A) Animal Eat less food during cloudy days or rainy days.
B) Human being Eats more tasty food during such times, especially
A) Animal Fast when they fall sick.
B) Human being Eats during sickness also
A) Animal Change of water causes no problem.
B) Human being Slight change in water brings cold
A) Animal Can live their life’s full 14. Dies untimely.
A) Animal. Change of seasons or atmosphere does’t affect them.
B) Human being For every seasonal change he faces disturbed health.
A) Animal They have sexual intercourse only for progeny.
B) Human being Have sexual intercourse without any rhyme and reason.
A) Animal Beget progeny naturally.
B) Human being Can’t get children without doctor’s help.
A) Animal Don’t need doctors or hospitals, the five natural elements are their doctors.
B) Human being Can’t live without doctors or hospitals.
A) Animal Eat 12 hours and fast 12 hours.
B) Human being Eat till midnight, leaving no time for digestion.
A) Animal Don’t loose teeth as long as they are alive.
B) Human being Teeth decay and dentures are a must.
A) Animal Don’t lose eyesight in their lifetime.
B) Human being Can’t see without glasses.
A) Animal Lead a natural life devoid of diseases.
B) Human being Lead an unnatural life with all kinds of diseases.
A) Animal Lead a normal life till their last breath.
B) Human being Falls sick and becomes bed-ridden before death.
A) Animal Co-operate with Nature and make
themselves blessed in the lap of
B) Human being Destroys Nature and leads a life
against Nature bringing misery upon
A) Animal Fulfill their life’s purpose.
B) Human being Only a few are blessed thus.

Better late than never! Let us change our food habits keeping in view of our health.
Then you can regain your lost health. Why not we give up our weakness for taste,
distancing our selves from medicines and hospitals forever!
The seven tastes that spoil our health are salt, chili, oil, ghee (clarified butter),
sweet, sour and spices. They make you a slave to them and take away your calm
and composed nature. The poor fish is lured by its prey and suffers. The same way,
we are lured by the seven tastes and we are bringing misery upon ourselves.
You can substitute these seven tastes with different natural items that give you a
two-fold advantage. You can get taste and still be healthy. You can substitute salt
with coconut, leafy vegetables, milk or curds in the curries. The natural salt in them
substitutes the artificial salt you use. Use green chili instead of red chili and chili
powder. Use amla, tamarind tender leaves, mangoes and lemon in place of tamarind.
Use honey instead of sugar or brown sugar. You can also use dates. Don’t ever think
of oil, ghee and spices.
Once you get used to such natural food and become perfectly healthy, there will be
no harm even if you yield those seven tastes once in a while. But not behave like one
chain smoker who misunderstood the doctor’s advice. To lessen his habit of smoking,
the doctor asked him to smoke one cigarette after a meal. At the end of the week he
complained to the doctor he had to eat 18 times a day to smoke!
The natural food without salt and chili powder is good for healthy as well as the sick
people. You can eat a pound of vegetable curry. You don’t feel heavy after food and
you won’t gain wait even if you eat more. You become a stranger to B.P and sugar.
It is a recommended diet for all chronic diseases. You don’t feel thirsty. It gets
digested easily. Heart patients get rid of their problems like cholesterol and will have
a free blood circulation. You can relish these vegetables more with bread. Since you
eat plenty of vegetables, you will have a free motion curing your gastric and
constipation problems. In short, natural food style is the one and the only one cure
for any and every disease. It is only when you experience it you will enjoy it.
Let me explain to you in detail, in the following chapters, how each one of the
seven tastes is harmful and how it causes you diseases.

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