Saturday, October 17, 2009

Fridge - The Problems from it

Refrigerator has become indispensable in peoples lives. It has made our lives
more comfortable in many respects. But very little we realize that how it is affecting
our body and health.
Since the anti oxidants in the raw vegetables hinder the entry of oxygen (air) into
them, they remain fresh. But once they are cooked, the anti oxidants get destroyed
and oxygen reaches quickly inside vegetables giving place to oxidization. If you keep
the fresh fruits in fridge for a day and then bring them out, they lose their life and
become rotten. If that is the case, what is the point in keeping lifeless vegetables
(cooked curries) for two days in fridge, then taking them out and eating them after
heating them!
Heating refrigerated and consuming it does more harm to our health. Compare it
with coming out from the comfort of air conditioned home at once into scorching
heat. In the same way, curries from the fridge when warmed loose all their vitamins.
Milk, vegetables in the fridge lose a greater percentage of vitamins and minerals by
heating them.
The more we eat now, the more we suffer in later. Our health in future is directly
proportionate to our craze for taste now.
Besides vegetables, refrigerator has place for non-vegetarian food also. We can
understand if the non-vegetarian stuff is preserved in refrigerator to avoid its decay.
But there is no point in storing fresh vegetables and fruits in the refrigerator.
Can you preserve the live fish or prawn in the fridge? The poor fish or prawn loses its
life in to time. It means refrigeration is needed for preservation of the dead only to
avoid decay. Whereas the vegetables and fruits continue to be with life for days and
they need no preservation
You might argue the vegetables remain fresh when preserved in fridge! But what for!
Any way you are going to kill them by cooking and frying them in oil. So do you
think you can as well kill them raw, in the cold storage box!
Vegetables and fruits continue to receive the same nature’s air and light even after
they are plucked from tree and brought to our home from the store. The fruits and
vegetables that are plucked from the trees undergo some variations in their
nutrients. Some of may increase or decrease. It is possible only if we keep them
Lime and oranges give you more of juice from the third day of plucking rather than
first day. Half ripened fruits ripen fully when kept outside. You try with a fully
ripened banana fruit! Keep it in fridge and observe the fruit. All the fruits undergo
many changes everyday when kept outside, but they don’t when stored in fridge.
The fresh vegetables have certain ingredients that help them remain fresh in natural
air and light. The vegetables, when kept outside for 5, 6 days may look withered due
to the lessening of water content in them, but that’s all! They don’t lose the
preservatives in them. They don’t need refrigeration. God has provided preservative
energy for fruits and vegetables and it works only when they are kept outside.
Loss of Vitamins by keeping them in fridge
1. Whatever you keep in fridge or deep fridge, vitamin ‘E’ will disappear quickly.
2. ‘B’ vitamin (panthodhinik) in all vegetables and fruits diminishes day by day
in refrigerator.
3. If you keep fruit juice or jams in fridge, 50% of the vitamin ‘C’ in them is lost
within four days.
4. Only a little amount of vitamin ‘A’ carotin is lost.
5. The other vitamins too are lost to a small extent.
6. By cutting vegetables and keeping them in fridge they lose all vitamins to a
large extent.
The harm caused due to eating refrigerated food:
1.Cold food cannot be chewed properly. We try to gulp them at once. Saliva is not
produced enough as a result food is not digested properly. As the salivary glands get
hardened due to coolness, usual saliva is not produced.
2.Enamel on the teeth gets spoiled due to the coldness.
3.The tonsils in the throat get infected frequently. As a result they can’t stop the
entry of bacteria and virus into the body along with food. The tonsils lose their
4.The phlegm in the throat gets obstructed and doesn’t come out easily. It results in
an increase in cough.
5. Just as we contract our selves in cold weather, so do the parts in our body. The
stomach which is at 99° come down to 20° when we eat cold food. Due to the
coldness, the digestive action stops at once. It doesn’t start, till the heat comes back
to 99° again. The digestive juices don’t get secreted at all. For nearly 30 minutes
digestive action comes to a standstill. The resistance power also doesn’t function
6.You can’t drink the required quantity of water due to the coldness.
7.The milk taken out of fridge takes a longer time to boil than the milk kept outside.
The same theory applies for the digestion too.
If we want all the nutrients provided by God, we should buy, fresh vegetables and
fruits once in two or three days. Only natural way of life can save man.
Cooked food
Food is the one that nourishes the body. So we should know what is the right type of
food to keep our body healthy. Diagnosis of the disease is more important than the
treatment. We should understand the fact that the diseases are caused by our wrong
food habits! Then it becomes easy to change our food habits. Right medicine is the
right food!
The ultimate goal of every one of us is same – A happy and peaceful life. We follow
different means to reach this end. If we follow the correct food style that suits our
body, our journey towards the goal will be smooth. Instead, if we yield to satisfy the
tongue – it becomes a hurdle race. We have to pass through diseases, suffering and
hospitals. As every man is the architect of his own future, every man is the architect
of his own health. Your happiness, your health is in your own hands. ‘As you sow, so
you reap’. As you eat, so you enjoy or suffer.
Cooked food itself is bad. And adding tastes to that food is harmful. You have seen
in detail how each of the seven tastes is harmful to the body.
Cooked food is easy to eat and we tend to eat it more than needed. That itself
becomes harmful to the body. It is a wrong notion that we should eat only cooked
food. By cooking the food the minerals and vitamins get destroyed to a large extent.
Minerals and vitamins are called nutrients for the simple reason they provide
nutrition to the body. We don’t call fats, proteins, and carbohydrates as nutrients.
Minerals and vitamins are useful for building the body and for providing it energy. If
we eat the food devoid of these, the body loses its stability.
Our body remains healthy as long as we provide sufficient quantity of vitamins and
minerals. You need horses to pull a cart. You need to whip to control the horses.
Horses pull the cart, not the whip. If the whip is missing, the journey will not be
smooth. If the horses slow down their pace, just a whip on their back will make them
speed up. The same way the minerals and vitamins are like the whip to your body.
Fats, proteins, carbohydrates are like the horses.
The nuts and bolts may look small in a huge machine, but the very same machine
can be in good condition and can work properly if only its nuts and bolts are in tact.
The minerals and vitamins are like nuts and bolts to our body. Resistance power of
our body depends on them.
God’s creation is really wonderful! The amount of vitamins and minerals present in
the food provided by Him are just equivalent to the needs of the body. That is the
relationship between our body and the nature around us. If we supply the food
provided by Him in exactly the same way, everything will be normal. When we
disobey nature’s norms diseases set into our body.
While cleaning, purifying and polishing the rice, wheat and pulses lose the nutrients.
The loss of nutrients in cooked food depends on the style of cooking, time taken for
cooking, intensity of heat used, quantity of water or oil used and the type of cooking
– fry or steam.
Loss of nutrients depends upon these five factors in cooking. While cooking
vegetables the loss of vitamins will be more if you add more water, cook for a longer
time or cut them into small pieces. 30 to 50% of B and C vitamins in the vegetables
go out through the water used. Instead if you drink that water, you get of course 30
– 50% of vitamins into your body.
Vitamins dissolved in water: ‘C’ Vitamin
Vitamin ‘C’ is lost not only while cooking, but also by preserving the food for a long
time and by heating it again.
You cut potato or eggplant and keep them in water for long, 60% of vitamins in
these vegetables go out into the water. The other 40% goes off in the process of
cooking. The result? You are left with zero vitamin C.
Let’s see how different processes of cooking lead to different levels of loss of C
% loss due % of vitamins % of vitamins retained % of Vitamin
to heat which melt and when water is thrown out if water
join water of cooked vegetable. retained
Leafy Vegetables
a) Cooking them 10 - 15 45 - 60 22 - 45 85 – 90
for a long time
in more water
b) Cooking them 10 -15 15 –30 55 – 75 85 – 90
for a short time
with less water
c) Frying 30 - 40 less than 10% 60 - 70 60 - 70
d) Cooked in 20 - 40 less than 10% 60 - 80 60 - 80
a) Cooking 10 – 20 15 – 25 55 - 75 80 – 90
b) Frying 30 – 50 10 50 – 70 50 - 70
c) Cooking in
steam cooker 45 – 55 10 45 – 55 45 - 55
Heat harms any matter. For example, take an egg. It contains an outer shell. It can
be cooked very quickly. The white of the egg (Albumin) becomes hardened as soon
as it is heated and can act as a wall to stop the out ward flow of the vitamins. Now
let’s observe the loss of vitamins in a boiled egg:
Vitamin B2 Vitamin B2 Vitamin B6 Folic Vitamin B5
Thiamin Ribaflavin Piridoxin Acid Pantothenic Acid
Boiled egg 10% 5% 10% 10% 10%
Egg fry 20% 10% 20% 30% 20%
Omelet 5% 20% 15% 30% 15%
So if the egg that could be cooked quickly and that can safeguard its vitamins on its
own is loosing vitamins at this rate, what would be the plight of the vegetables that
do take half an hour to an hour for getting cooked?
By cooking food we lose equally both minerals and vitamins. If we wish to provide all
the nutrients to the body as they are, we should eat nature’s food as it is. Eat the
uncooked food! In other words eat raw vegetables, fruits and sprouts. Eat them in
their natural form without heating them. All the nutrients that we need are available
in vegetables, fruits, and seed sprouts.
You will never face deficiency of nutrients if you eat the fruits that are available in
that season. If you are eating cooked vegetables, see that you compensate the loss
of vitamins and minerals by taking some raw vegetables and drinking a glass of
vegetable juice (without filtering it) slowly. It is good for health. Or eat cooked food
in the morning and totally uncooked food in the evening. Sprouts are good for
Knowingly or unknowingly man commits mistakes in consuming food that leads to
diseases. The only way to get rid of diseases is to eat uncooked food. God gave us
this body. The same God provided natural food for us to survive. So let’s provide
that natural food, naturally to the mortal body. Let’s walk on the right path, the path
of health. Let’s realize that ‘Health is Happiness’.
Hearty Dishes For a Healthy Life
Tit - bits
1. Clean the vegetables before hand.
2. Do not peel off the skin.
3. Cut vegetables into small pieces.
4. Once you cut, you should not clean them again.
5. Do not squeeze water out of the pieces.
6. Do not keep pieces of potato or eggplant in water for long.
7. Clay pots are the best for cooking vegetables both for health and taste.
8. Cooking in aluminum vessels is not good for health.
9. Better use steel vessels for cooking.
10. Cook the vegetables pieces in a low flame (sim). Don’t add water.
Vegetables should be cooked with the water within them.
11. Shouldn’t allow the water in the vegetables to evaporate. So cover them
with a lid.
12. Should never drain the water out of the cooked vegetables.
13. Coconut should not be added during the process of cooking.
14. Add coconut just before switching off the stove.
15. Curry leaves or coriander also should be added just before switching off
the stove.
16. Lemon should be squeezed over the curry after it is cooled and just before
17. Honey is to be added after the curry is cooled.
18. The water that comes out of vegetables can be used as soup by squeezing
a lemon over it.
19. Do not use any spices.
20 Use any cream sparingly.
21 Should not eat morning’s seasoned vegetables in the evening or
22 Eat a minimum of half kg curry per meal.
23 Eat daily brown rice with curries.
24 It is advisable to use coconut daily.
25 Do not cook leafy vegetables for a longer time.
26 Any amount of milk or curds could be used in cooking.
Frequently Asked Questions
1. We are advised to drink water mixed with salt and sugar when we have
dehydration due to loose motions because the water content in the body and
the salt in the intestines is reduced. Is it not harmful?
Not at all! You can use a medicine for a necessity or in a critical situation. Here sugar and
salt are acting as a medicine. They are not good in a normal situation but are helpful in a
critical time.
2. Does your natural life style, especially that of giving up of salt, oil and spices
tell upon marital life?
Salt, chili powder, oil, spices have nothing to do with your marital life. Do you think
the animals take these things to have sex or to beget children? The first criterion for
a happy married life is health. Only when man is healthy the blood vessels and
nerves towards his private parts can function effectively. In fact sex is not just a
physical intercourse, it is a desire of the mind too. For instance, do you feel like
making love when you are sick or suffering from headache? When you are physically
ill, your mind (life energy) is taking care of that part. So it doesn’t entertain any
other thought. For that matter, when your mind is disturbed or tensed up, you don’t
feel like making love though you are physically fit. The sum and substance of it is –
your ill health, physical or mental, comes in the way of your desires.
Salt and oil instead of giving energy to the body they diminish it. The body in fighting
them loses more energy. All the glands in the body can work efficiently depending on
the food it is fed. Sprouts, coconut milk, brown rice, plenty of vegetables can help in
better marital pleasure too.
3. Your idea of fasting (Upavasa Dharma) is entirely different from other
naturopathies, especially in using honey. What is its specialty?
Fasting (Upavasa Dharma) means giving rest to the body. If you starve your body
without giving any food including honey, it doesn’t rest, it becomes restless. When
you are fasting your body consumes its stored energy, just as you withdraw money
from bank when needed. When your stomach is empty for a long time and when
stored energy is not sufficient for the brain, you feel weak or dizzy.
The energy that we get from the food stays in our liver for six hours in the form of
glucose. After that period the excess energy is converted into fat. Our brain requires
800 calories of energy per day, whether you work or relax.
The brain is the director of our company (body). If such an important person is
neglected in the form of strike (fasting) he can’t work. If he can’t work, you can’t
carry on your fasting! If the brain is energetic, so will be the body. That is the reason
why we give honey and water to keep the brain in good stand. This food is for the
brain, not for the body. If the brain doesn’t get glucose, the cells in the brain die,
and their death is once for all. Fasting should not harm the body and brain.
If you provide 800 calories energy to the brain through honey, the brain cells don’t
mind your prolonged fasting. If you have to supply 800 calories of energy through
honey, it means you should take 250g (1/4 kg) of honey per day. This ¼ kg of honey
should be taken at regular intervals from morning to night. Take four spoonfuls of
honey in a big glass of water (lime juice sprinkled in it) for every two hours. So you
have to drink like that for roughly eight times. Then your body and mind will be
energetic during fasting period.
The same way, by drinking 5 – 6 liters of water during fasting, the body can purge
the waste matter easily. During fasting, roughly 8 lemons are used. Their sour taste
kills your desire for food and you will not feel hungry.
The honey and the water cleanse entirely the cells of their waste matter, thereby
providing them new energy and vigor. Fasting once in a while is good for health and
4. You are suggesting the same treatment (same food) for all diseases.
How is it possible?
Deficiency in nutritious food is the cause of all diseases. The only way to cure the
deficiency is to provide nutritious food. As simple as that! So the secret of your good
health lies in eating good nutritious food everyday. Proteins, fats, carbohydrates,
vitamins, minerals, fibrous material – all are required for the body every day to cure
or prevent any disease. You take care of the food you eat the body will take care of
itself. For certain diseases some particular nutrients are required more. Once you
become healthy, you can eat what everybody else eats!
5. Why do you often quote the instances of animals and compare man with
Man is a higher animal. He is superior to them because of his intelligence and
reasoning ability. But the tragedy is animals are leading a healthy and happy life,
whereas the intelligent man is bringing upon himself diseases and misery. The way
most people abuse the human machine, it looks like as if they are in a hurry to leave
this life as soon as possible. Can you find a single man who is really healthy? Can
you come across a man who can boast that he is perfectly healthy and can never in
future fall sick? Then, how can I give the instance of any man to compare? In whose
footsteps can we walk? Not even the doctors who know all about anatomy! If the
doctors who have to advocate good health are not healthy, who else can be healthy?
Are the parents healthy? Are the workers healthy? No exception. Everybody suffers.
Everybody is unhappy. People seem to have come to the conclusion that they are
born to suffer before they die! Can you show me one man who eats natural food
provided by God? At least one who eats proper food? That’s why I advise you to
follow the example of animals. If you can be as proud as peacock, as faithful as a
dog, as wise as an owl, as mischievous as a monkey, why can’t we be as regular as
the animals in our food habits to enjoy at least half the health of those animals.
6. Doctors advise us to reduce any one of these items- salt, chili powder,
spices, sour things, coffee, tea, meat, oil, ghee etc. But is not it too
much on your part to ask us to give up all the tastes at one stroke?
The problem is, you consult different specialist for different disease of a different part
of the body. So they threat you in part and suggest that you should give up a
particular taste, harmful for that part. Since they are specialists for one part, they
are unmindful of other parts and so take care of only one part and they ask you to
give up only one taste. There the doctors are many, diseases are many, but patient
is one.
Here in naturopathy, patients are many, complaints are many but doctor is only one!
Disease is only one! So we cater to the needs of all the parts of your body. If we ask
you to eat one taste and give up the other, one part will be all right and the other
will suffer! Here one part’s food is other part’s poison. We are impartial! We ask you
to give up all tastes in the best interest of your health. Do you feel it is wrong? You
can take 60 horses to the well to drink water, but 60 people cannot make one horse
7. As long as we eat usual breakfast and drink coffee, we don’t feel hungry
for 4 – 5 hours. But now, ever since we have been following your
natural food style and have been eating sprouts, fruits as breakfast, we
feel hungry within two hours. What should we do?
The breakfast made of oil and salt kills hunger, whereas sprouts, fruits create your
hunger. You have been accustomed to centre your mind about hunger and tasty
food. Some even like to get up and eat in the middle of the night. Sprouts, fruits
dates etc get digested quickly, within two hours, without troubling the intestines
much. They also give extra energy. Since the food is digested, your stomach
becomes empty, giving you the feeling of hunger. On the contrary, your usual
breakfast of oil and salt takes 3 – 4 hours to get digested, you don’t feel hungry till
then. Your intestines will be heavy and they have to slog.
Sprouts can give you more energy than your usual breakfast. There is no problem if
your stomach is empty for some time. Realize the fact that hunger is a healthy sign
and such a healthy sign is produced by the healthy food. Try to divert your mind
from hunger till lunchtime.
8. Doctors advise us to add more salt for low B.P. whereas you advise us
to give up salt totally! Whom do we should follow?
Low B.P. can be caused due to many reasons. Taking more salt when there is a
sudden fall in B.P. can give you temporary relief and save you from danger. But
adding more salt is not the cure. First of all you should find out why you got low B.P.
We have many cases of low B.P. patients giving up salt happily after following
fasting. Cure for it is not eating more salt, but drinking 5 – 6 liters of water is the
9. Does following natural life style cause us any problem in summer
Since we give plenty of honey during fasting, the body will be hot. So in summer,
along with the heat outside, you feel the heat inside. Since it is cold outside in
winter, you like the heat inside. So during fasting in summer, you should drink
plenty of water, more than what you drink normally. The plenty of honey you take
during that period, evaporates the water inside. Added to that more of water goes
out in summer in the form of sweat. So if you fast in summer, without taking
sufficient water, you do face some problems.
10. Any treatment lasts only for some time till we are cured of a disease.
Why then do you advocate natural lifestyle for lifetime?
In other medical treatments, you have a course of treatment. Once the course is
over, the treatment is over. Such a course can probably cure you of a disease or at
least subside your problem. There ends its job! There may be a cure for a disease,
but there are no medicines to prevent diseases. Nature cure also cures you of a
disease, but can’t prevent the disease.
Of course, if you adapt to natural food style not as a medical treatment but as a
natural food style, then it can not only cure the diseases but also can prevent the
diseases in future. So what you should do is to cultivate this natural life style not as
a medicine, but as a part of your life, as your life style! Natural food style is not just
a medicine to be used only for a short period!
Natural cure is basically fasting, Upavasa Dharma! Are you taking any medicine after
that? Of course not! You are just eating good food in a regular way. You call this food
style a treatment? As long as you call it a treatment you feel like following it only a
few months (2-4 months). Instead if you wish to follow it life long it becomes your
life style. Man desires to lead a healthy life but wonders how long he should eat a
natural food? ‘Regularity is Nature’s motto. We too, need regularity in our living
habits’. So as long as you wish to lead a happy, wonderful, peaceful life so long
should you follow these natural food style. Is it not better than taking medicines?
11. The major part of our day goes for health if we have to follow your
principles wholeheartedly! What can we achieve by wasting time thus?
It is simply because, you have wasted all these years without taking care of your
body or your health. Since you are doing what you are not used to, you have to
concentrate more on that and so you feel it is a time consuming. Sometimes a
punishment! Any new work makes you feel so if you don’t much like it! Of course if
you are interested in it, you don’t mind it!
You concentrate only on driving when you are beginner in car driving. But once you
master it, your mind wanders over many things. The same way, when you learn
typing, you concentrate only on the keyboard, but once you master it, you do it
automatically! The same theory applies here also. So, it takes time for the mind and
body to get attuned to the new food in the beginning.
You require good health to achieve anything in life. Health is only a part of your life
but not your entire life. But still one who loses his health loses everything in life. If
giving rest to your body for 6 – 7 hours at night in the form of sleep is your dharma,
is it not your dharma to spend some time for the welfare of the same body in the
morning? Everyone knows the body requires rest, but nobody bothers to know the
body also requires good food and good exercise! If you can provide the first one,
why should the second one be difficult?
12. The use of spices everyday may cause us harm. But a small intake of
them daily helps us. Why then should we give them up totally?
Yes, spices of course do have natural medicinal value in them. They are used as
medicines in Ayurvedic treatment. But you should treat a medicine only as a
medicine, but not as food. You are attracted towards the smell of it and so feel like
using it daily but you are not taking it as a medicine! You may think the daily use of
it may prevent diseases but remember one fact. You don’t have medicines to prevent
diseases. You have only food to prevent diseases. The daily usage of spices is not
helpful greatly. Just as you get immune to medicines, so do you get immune to
13. You said that garlic prevents heart trouble and paralysis. Then why
don’t you use garlic in the food you suggest? Don’t you think they can
prevent these diseases?
Garlic can melt cholesterol and fat. Fibrous material and lecithin also have the same
quality. But see the difference in the two. Garlic is a medicine, whereas the latter
comes under natural food. A constant use of medicine makes you get immune to it
and it loses its medicinal value. Food doesn’t have that problem. Fibrous material
and lecithin clear cholesterol and fat. The coconut, milk, unpolished rice, sprouts and
many vegetables suggested in our food style have these two items and so acts as
medicine in the body. In other words, when the food itself prevents diseases like
cholesterol, heart trouble and paralysis, why should you take medicine (garlic) for it?
So to cut a long story short, food itself is medicine in our life style.
14. Is your food style good for children? Do they face any problem in their
growth by giving up salt and oil?
Nutritious food is very much required for the growth of the body. In fact if children
are not provided proper nutritious food their growth comes to a stand still. The food
we suggest doesn’t have oil and salt but it has all the nutrients required for children
for their growth. A child requires mainly vitamins, minerals and carbohydrates. These
are available in plenty in the sprouts, milk, fruits and vegetables we suggest. The
natural salt available in natural food is enough for them. Salt destroys the pranic, life
energy. The other tastes don’t allow the nervous energy to work in right direction.
Letters – Gems of Experiences
1. My Experience
I found a great change in myself in the first week itself. I was a workaholic. Earlier
when I wrote something, I wrote it with such a force that the print of it fell on four
pages under it. So within no time my hand ached. Now there is no such problem. I
can also walk easily. I used to do Yogasanas and Pranayama. Now my body has
become so flexible that I can do any asanas so easily. I feel a master of my own
body. Mind and thoughts have come under control.
I have learnt to observe the things around me. I don’t have any disease or
symptoms of any disease but I am following this life style since it suits my yoga life.
The heart, mind and stomach do get cleansed quickly in a thorough way through this
food. If we receive good things in a disciplined way through the five senses we can
easily blend the body with the heart, the heart with the mind and the mind with the
This food is suitable to all-from a saint to sick person. But as a doctor I am not
advocating to you all to follow it compulsorily in a systematic way. But I do suggest
that if you can follow this food style, it will not only help you to drive out your
diseases but also will keep your mind and body under your control. So I do hope as
many people as possible can follow this food style and be benefited by it physically,
mentally and live happily.
The usages and drawbacks of food
1. Plenty of water: Water can filter out the waste material in our body and can
also filter our emotions and feelings.
2. Salt: This lessens the glucose retention energy, the elasticity of blood vessels
and cells, and increases blood pressure. So it is always better to avoid it in
3. Honey : Since honey has all nutrients and since it is produced by solar energy
and pollen grains of flowers, it increases etheric vesion and intuition in a man
whose pranic energy is blended with solar energy.
The lime juice, raw vegetables, leafy vegetables are blended with sunlight. So they
not only increase the resistance power in us, but also help us to tune ourselves with
universal life force if we practice yoga. Enema cleanses us of all the poisonous
material in us regularly.
M.S. (Ortho) (Bones specialist)
Maharanipeta, Visakhapatnam
2. Nature Cure – My experiences
While I was working as Deputy Inspector General of Police in Vizag, Dr. Mantena
Satyanarayana Raju approached and introduced himself as a Naturopath and
explained all about his Natural Lifestyle and suggested me to follow it to better my
What he said was appealing no doubt, but I didn’t dare to follow it. So I evaded the
topic by saying we would discuss it once again. But after a week the doctor came
back to me again. This time he gave me a book written by him and asked me to read
it. He once again enlightened me upon the advantages of Natural Lifestyle.
I felt this doctor would not leave me easily. So I expressed my fears to him. As it is I
am a diabetic patient. I have been using medicines for the past 10 years. If I follow
this lifestyle, it may lead to more complications.
Dr. Raju laughed it away. He said Nature Cure would never cause harm to any one.
He explained that many diabetic patients who were on insulin adapted to Natural Life
and were cured. Still I was not very keen and some how managed to dispose him off.
A month later he came back to me again and tried to convince me to follow Natural
Lifestyle. I expressed my fears again. I said if I fasted taking only honey and lemon
juice, my diabetes might shoot up instead of being cured. He very strongly declared,
“It does not happen at any cost. I assure you, based on my experience. Have faith in
me. If you are not cured of your diabetes I will give up my treatment to anybody”.
His self-confidence and assurance made me to yield to his words. As suggested by
him I fasted for a month. I gave up non-vegetarian food, coffee, tea and cigarettes. I
gave up even medicines from the day I switched over to this Natural Lifestyle. I
faced no problem. My weight came down by 15 kilograms (34 pounds) with 30 days
of fasting. During this time I could travel many places on duty, but I had no problem.
I started eating light food as per the doctor’s advice after one month’s fasting. I
started doing Yogasanas too. I reduced another 22 kgs (50 pounds) from 112 to 90
in the next six months. Total 37 kgs (84 pounds) were lost within seven months.
Meanwhile, my sugar level came under control and I became active and enthusiastic.
I feel very peaceful too. So I know the entire credit goes to Natural Lifestyle
advocated by Dr. Satyanarayana Raju. I convey my heart-felt thanks to him for
making me follow it even by force.
Any body who has a strong desire to do something, dedication and undaunted spirit
can follow this Naturopathy and get manifold benefits without spending money. It
may look difficult in the initial stages but I feel this is the best native style of
K. Anandiah
I G P & Director
3 A hearty cure for heart trouble
I am 55 years old. I have been suffering from diabetes for 17 years. I tried all the
medical systems. I consulted diabetic specialists too, but never was my sugar
reading anywhere near normal. I stopped eating fruits or sweets. In addition to that
I had heart attack. Under the supervision of heart specialists, I was in hospital for 15
days and in bed rest for 6 months. Doctors said that there were blocks in my heart
and that I should undergo bypass surgery. I was not prepared for surgery but I was
taking medicines dutifully. I lost interest in life. I developed yet another complication
– sciatic pain from backbone to the end of my left leg. I could not stand up for more
than 2, 3 minutes. More medicines are added to swallow. At this time, by God’s
grace, I was blessed that I got acquainted with Dr. Satyanarayana Raju.
I started following his advices. I fasted for 27 days with honey and limejuice for five
days after that with fruit juice. Another week I continued with fruits and boiled
vegetables. After that I resumed the following diet:
Morning – Two bitter gourds juice. After an hour – sprouted green gram. Dates and
fruit juice or milk.
12 noon – Food (with no salt, oil, spices) seasoned vegetables, two bread pieces
(phulkas) and fruits.
6 p.m. – raw vegetables – fruits – milk.
Medicines were discontinued completely.
My Health Condition
S.No Disease Before Nature Cure After Nature Cure
Fasting – 115 to 210 90 to 100 mg/dl
1. Sugar P.P. 200 to 292 104 to 158 mg/dl
Fasting – 3 to + 4 Nil
Urine Sugar Sugar Complaint
P.P + 4 totally cured
2. Heart trouble Tests I was able to walk
1. ECG faster than before
2. ECHOGRAPH in this test
3. TMT Heart condition improved
3. Sciatic pain Could not stand for totally cured
more than
2 to 3 minutes
4. General Weight 84 kgs 70 kg
Velidi Radha Venugopala Krishna Rao
4 One cure for many complaints
I was a diabetic patient for many years. Now blood pressure is added to that. Total
ten different tablets go into my body every day. I was fed up with so many
medicines and the other ailments that crop up now and then, as their side effects.
I heard of Dr. Raju’s natural lifestyle and his selfless service to sick people. On
hearing his lectures and personal meeting with him, I decided to follow his advice.
Though I was taking 8 to 10 tablets a day I did not find any solution for problems.
While fasting with honey and limejuice, I gave up medicines completely. Within few
days I found that my BP came to normal and blood pressure under control. Within a
month my weight is down to 79kgs and from 93kgs.
Along with me my wife and other relatives were cured of constipation, diabetes, BP,
heart trouble etc.
Dr Raju cured hundreds of people in Vizag without expecting any thing in return. He
visits many places at his expenses
D. S. Raju
Ph: 596188
4. Happy treatment for the whole family
Now at the age of 38 my weight is 38kgs. For the past ten years I continued to be of
same weight. Right from childhood I drank only ½ liter of water per day. I used to
have bowl movement once in two or three days. I have been suffering from
headache and toothache.
Our family members were inspired by Dr. Raju’s lectures and started following his
natural lifestyle. I fasted for 52 days without feeling any weakness. By 60th day the
accumulated huge waste in my intestines came out. During this period my weight
came down to 32 kgs. Since then I started eating fruits, raw vegetables, sprouts as
per the doctor’s advice. Within fifteen days my weight increased to 38 kgs. Now I
drink plenty of water and have free bowl movement three times a day. My health is
perfect now.
My husband Ram, 45, has Blood Pressure, Obesity, and Arthritis. He too fasted for
three weeks. His weight came down to 62kgs from 82 by following natural lifestyle
while eating raw vegetables, sprouts, milk till now. His B.P. gradually came down to
130/80. Arthritis also reduced and his health is normal now.
My children too were fat like their father. We have a daughter aged 11 years, and a
son aged 9 years. They weigh 42 kgs and 41 kgs respectively. They too were
inspired by this natural life style and they have been strictly following it. They fasted
for 10 days. Dr. Raju visited us everyday to encourage them. The children also
reduced 5 kgs weight. They have been strictly adhering to this life style inspired by
Dr. Raju’s lectures and his concern for them.
N. Samrajyam
No. 63, Visalakshi Nagar,
5. Dr. Raju – A special personality
Dr. Raju greatness lies in his truthfulness, selflessness and simplicity. ‘Still waters
run deep’. He knows everything but looks so humble. He can teach according to the
receiving capacity of the others. He is a scientist who probes deep into the things he
knows. He practices what he preaches.
I know the gimmicks played by some, in the name of Yoga, Ayurvedic, Homeopathic
and Naturotherapic treatments. Dr. Raju, the Naturopath is different in the way he
makes us understand the things from our own experience. He has also taught us
how to avoid health problems and how to cure them.
My wife and I followed his natural lifestyle and benefited from it. I have normal
bowel movements, have no cramps during play, feel hungry and feel easy since food
is digested quickly. Above all, I am able to do work for a long time with greater
concentration. My wife also benefited - she reduced weight, slept happily, rid of her
arthritis, got her bleeding problem under control. In a way, our family is able to
enjoy new varieties of natural food. We derive pleasure out of this natural lifestyle.
Sri Vijay Kumar
Vijay Nirman
6. Nature’s Blessing
I developed a pain at the right side of stomach. After a thorough examination, the
doctors treated me for a cyst in Ovaries. But the pain reappeared after 6 months.
Finally I had to undergo surgery. I was told I had ‘Mekals Diverticulum’ in intestines.
But the problem is back to square once again after 6 months. This time doctors
named it ‘Adhesions’. They said that it would recur again even after operation. I was
asked to take medicines for 3 months, but in spite of using medicines, the pain
We happened to hear about Dr. Satyanarayana Raju at that time and consulted him.
My husband also fasted with me though he had no health problem. He fasted for 12
days and I fasted for 20 days. The pain persisted in the first week of fasting, but the
intensity of it gradually reduced. I did not take medicine during fasting. Total 20
days fasting cleared my stomach. I started Yoga too later and ate food as per the
doctor’s advice. Now we are healthy. We wonder how just a mere salt less diet can
fetch you so many benefits. The doctor’s advice that both husband and wife should
follow the natural life style is true since you don’t have to cook separately. Anyway,
life is wonderful with salt less food, natural food of fruits and raw vegetables.
Annapurna Devi
7. The experience of Nature cure patients
When I came to know that nature cure was being offered for diseases at the patients’
homes, that too free of charge, I did not believe. But when I met Dr. Raju
personally and got clarified all my doubts, I realized that Dr. Raju is not an ordinary
naturopath, but an incarnation of God.
In the days when medicine has become a business here comes in altruistic mentor
who has converted nature cure into a natural lifestyle with selflessness, dedication
and zeal. He is knee bent on spreading among all the humanity without expecting
any financial returns. He is a friend, philosopher and guide to the patients. He cures
them in their own houses with love and affection. If necessary, allows them to
continue their medicines. Really he is a great man who lives only to cure a patient
and to relieve him of his suffering.
He pats you on the back, but can admonish you when you go wrong. He is frank. He
doesn’t compromise during fasting period.
Especially the fasting (Upavasa Dharma) he advocates is unique. Till the body gets
cured of all ailments – we don’t feel hungry or feel weak! Added to that the mind and
the body are made energetic in the process. That is something special, something
wonderful! He remains stoic to the praises or abuses of people. His sole purpose is to
spread a natural life style. That’s what is attracting people towards him.
Coming to my wife’s illness: - She has obesity, sciatic pain, Arthritis. She cannot do
her own work. Her condition has been so bad for the past 10 years. Within a month,
she was relieved of her severe pains and was also cured of her Sciatica. After four
months, her condition had improved so much that she was able to do her own work
and to fulfill her household duties.
The main feature of Dr. Raju’s treatment is, he insists that both the husband and
wife should follow natural lifestyle. So I too took part in that. I don’t have any
problem as such. But with due respect to Dr. Raju’s statement, I followed it, to stand
by my wife. I could find change in me both physically and mentally.. I am now able
to control my sense organs. I can feel a change in my attitude. Now I know how food
– health – happiness are three in one. Good food gives you good health that in turn
brings happiness. Such food helps in our spiritual thinking too.
Smt & Sri. R.S. Raju
M.I.G. 13, Pithapuram colony,
Visakhapatnam – 3.
8. An unexpected turning in my life
I am Uma from Amalapuram aged 42. Ever since my childhood have known
only illness. I always suffered from cough, cold, asthma, high fever etc. I was forced
to depend on medicines for these. After marriage, I had to undergo cesarean
operation for delivery. That led to yet another problem – Urinary infection. That was
so severe, I had to consult many doctors. The medicines gave me only temporary
relief. The moment I stopped them, again the pain and the infection showed up their
presence. This continued thus from 1975 to 1982.
For a decade I was suffering. I was operated for Diverticulum of Bladder. It
was only a temporary relief. If I give up medicines, my pain shoots up. If I take
medicines, my hunger goes down. My body and face were swollen. Because of that
my weight doubled to 75kgs. It lead to joint and muscular pains. There was no part
left normal. God gave us everything, except good health. Every day we prayed to
God to give good health.
I was going around kidney specialists and urologists. Dilation once in six months
became necessary. Cough, cold and allergies continue to frequent me. A situation
developed that I have to visit or consult doctor every two, three days.
I was depressed with the fact that I have to depend upon medicines, doctors and
hospitals for life.
I happened to meet to Dr. Raju who assured me of cure for all my health problems.
He advised me to give up tasty food totally. I used to be fond of different kinds of
food and tastes. I couldn’t resist them! But I realized that if I wanted something I
should forego something. I need a peaceful, calm, healthy life. Dr. Raju proved to
me that the root cause of my problems was my food habits. So I decided that day
itself I should give up tastes to cure my self of ailments like obesity, cough, cold.
Dr. Raju visited us daily and told us many good things and gave moral support
during fasting period. Never I had to think of tasty food during fasting. I did not feel
hungry too. My husband had no health problem as such, but being inspired by Dr.
Raju he also started fasting.
I fasted for 18 days. Day by day, I could feel the difference in me while not taking
medicines. I felt my body became light. I had a strong belief that I could regain my
lost health through fasting itself. Dr. Raju keeps telling that we ourselves cling to
diseases through tastes and once we give up our weakness for taste, they will loose
their grip. Yes! He is 100% correct. I realized it during fasting.
I reduced only 5 kgs weight during fasting. Within the 18 days of fasting itself, my
urinary problem almost cleared with steam bath. By the time I completed fasting all
my other complaints like fever, cough, cold, Asthma, Swelling, Arthritis etc
disappeared. Then I started eating the food suggested by Dr. Raju and while doing
Asanas and Pranayama.
With my changed food habits and asana exercises my weight came down to 53kgs
from 75kgs. The food suggested by doctor not only gives us natural taste, but also
good health.
It was a turning point in my life. I never dreamt of the experience that I am enjoying
now. There is no point in blaming God, when we spoil our health ourselves. I have
understood that ill health doesn’t allow you to enjoy material comforts or luxuries.
God listened to our prayer and He came to us in the form of Dr. Satyanarayana Raju,
to provide us good health. How can we ever repay the kindness of Dr. aju?
Dr. Raju’s motto is ‘Live Healthy and make others live healthily’.
Let’s not waste time and money by running around so many specialists for so many
diseases. Here is nature’s treatment! Name any disease, name any compliant the
cure is one and the same! How nice! How simple! I am sure you can get peace and
happiness within a short span of time. Your life is God’s gift! So if you eat natural
food created by God, have faith in Nature given by God, God will never fail you! You
will not have to go round hospitals, spend money for treatment or even depend on
others! This is my experience. One who follows the path of dharma is sure of
success. The same way one who enjoys the fruits of nature is sure of achieving good
health! No pains, no gains! Only if you follow, you will get the results of it! You be a
patient of the Dr. Raju for some time, you can be a lifetime doctor for yourself and
for the rest of your family. I pray to Mother Nature to provide good health to
everybody like me!
You come across one in thousands who follows what he preaches! Dr. Mantena
Satyanarayana Raju is one such celebrity. He is a memorable person in our lives.
East Godavari Dist.
9. An analysis of the harmful tastes
I met Dr. Mantena Satyanarayana Raju out of curiosity to know about his Natural
Lifestyle. The sum and substance of the conversation was if we adapt to natural
lifestyle, we would never be unhappy in our life. He strongly suggested that we
should totally give up salt, oil, ghee, sugar and spices. He advocated that we should
not give unnecessary importance to tastes and replace them with fresh vegetables,
fruits, wheat, unpolished rice, sprouts and raw coconut. I was convinced of the
advantage of such a diet.
My wife and me started following natural lifestyle, though we had no health problem,
just because we were convinced of the benefits of it. It gives us not only good
health, but also prevents the appearance of any diseases in future.
Dr. Raju suggests to taking to fasting for 20 – 25 days to clean the inner body
system. I wondered how far it was justifiable. On referring medical journals I learnt
that if we fast for many days without any food (without honey too), the glucose
supply to the brain cells would not be sufficient and it might kill them.
Also I found I that the fasting advocated by Dr. Raju would not allow that kind of
situation. During fasting when we take 250 grams of honey eight times a day, and 5
liters of water, no such harm will be caused to either the body or the mind. It means
if we take proper care, fasting for any length of time will do us no harm.
I did fasting for 18 days quite actively, carrying on my duties as a doctor. The same
way my wife also fasted for 29 days with no problems.
I will explain as a doctor the tastes that Dr. Raju asks to desist from:
Salt: The medical books (allopathy) I read, said that 5 gms or even less of salt would
be sufficient for a normal person and just one gram would do for a B.P. patient. It
means, almost a negligible amount! We can just hold between two fingers this 5g of
salt. But to satisfy our tongue we consume 10 – 25 grams a day!
We don’t require more salt than what already exists in the vegetables, fruits and
sprouts as Sodium and that is what the body really needs.
Oil: We don’t require oil for our body, because the natural fats are sufficient in the
food that we take. Natural fats get digested easily. Excess consumption of oil and
cheese increase the cholesterol percentage in our body.
Water – In fact, in our daily life we hardly drink a liter of water. If we drink plenty of
water, the waste and poisonous material in our body can be driven out quickly. The
same way, if we drink plenty of water after the food is digested, the left out waste
material can be driven out easily. So we get free motion.
Yours Sincerely,
Dr. K. Ravi Kumar Varma
M.B.B.S, M.D. D.M.R.D
10 From mercy grows great love
Allopathy is a scientific treatment. It has achieved remarkable progress. It has done
miracles. It can easily replace the internal organs. But all said and done even such a
wonderful science has its own limitations. So far there is no permanent cure for
certain disease like some allergies, cancer, blood pressure, diabetes, arthritis, skin
diseases, kidney problems etc. The medicines may relieve pain temporarily only to
add some side effects. There is no guarantee the patient is cured 100% after kidney
transplantation or surgery for the heart.
For the past 32 years I have been treating thousands of patients through Allopathy.
Many times I felt sorry for the patients to whom I could not provide a proper or
permanent cure through Allopathy. I wanted to do something for them. So 10 years
back I learnt also Homeopathy. It cleared most of my unhappiness but still I am not
totally happy.
At this stage I happened to hear of Dr. Satyanarayana Raju. He has been treating
patients, chronic patients, through his Natural Lifestyle. I was impressed with his
approach and
Myself approached him for my personal health problems. I followed his advice and
was thrilled at the results.
Ever since then
we adapted natural lifestyle in treatment of our patients with better results.
We are able to cure diseases like menstrual problems, disease by white corpusles in
blood, Kidney trouble, Heart trouble, Liver problem, Stones in Kidneys, Arthritis,
Diabetes, B.P. etc. ensuring health and happiness to our patients.
All the credit goes to Dr. Satyanarayana Raju. What’s the use if the treasure of
knowledge is hidden in books? Dr. Raju has brought it out to the doorstep of every
human being.
Allopathy treatment is easy for both doctor and the patient, Homeopathy is
strenuous for the doctor but strenuous for the patient, because the patients will be
prepared to bear the disease but will not be willing to give up the ruchis. Dr. Raju
has to convince such patients into such a life style. He has a great capacity and fund
of patience to convince people of this treatment and lead them to a perfectly healthy
life. With his dedication he stands by the patients and encourages them to follow it.
The life style he has learnt, he has accepted, he has followed and he has been
spreading is the best for the cure of any disease. He is one in million. He has
dedicated his life for the welfare of the society. He is enlisted himself in the service
of humanity. He is really a reincarnation of God to the sickly.

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