Saturday, October 17, 2009

Salt – The King of Tastes and Diseases

The word ‘taste’ at once takes you to salt. It has become an established fact
that you must add salt to every cooked item for good taste. Getting used to a
particular ‘taste’ is indeed a habit since the more you eat something, the more you
get used to it. Your body and your cells long for that ‘taste’ and you reach a stage
where you cannot relish a food if that ‘taste’ is missing or if it is slightly changed. It
is slavery to salt. It means the cells in your mouth, the body and mind- all have been
addicted to this bad habit of eating salt.
The constant use of medicines makes your body immune to them and so they don’t
work properly. The same way, if you are used to strong coffee, you can’t relish an
ordinary coffee elsewhere. This applies to salt too.

You have taste buds in the front part of the tongue. New taste buds are formed for
every 10 days. So if you eat a less of salt, the first ten days it may be difficult to
appreciate it, but the new taste buds that are formed after ten days get used to the
new taste. Hence if you don’t eat salt for a few days, the cells will get used to the
saltlessness in no time though initially the salt less food is not very tasty.
You have an advantage in fasting. During fasting, you don’t use salt and by the time
you give up fasting and resort to natural food, new taste buds would have been
formed which would easily accept the new taste. The reason is simple. They do not
know what you were eating earlier. So the new taste buds get used to the new taste
and relish the food you eat.
It is always difficult to give up a bad habit! Whatever food or taste you have to give
up, you wonder how you could do it! It is always easy to give up a good habit. For
instance you take the example of fruits! You eat those fruits as long as they are
available, as many as possible, but once the season is over, you don’t miss them!
You don’t long for them! The same theory applies to any natural food.
Your taste buds and cells in the mouth are used to a particular quantity of salt. If
usual quantity is missing, they force the mind to go for it. A man who eats stomach
full everyday feels very hungry if he doesn’t get his usual quota! Where does the
trouble arise- in the stomach or in the mind? If you feel it is in the stomach then how
do you account for this? You don’t eat your breakfast your stomach full! Then your
stomach doesn’t grumble! So it goes without saying, the mind and not the stomach
that is feeling restless. The mind decides how much is required to fill the stomach.
The same way the mind and the tongue are used to the taste of salt. These two long
for it, if it is missing. So the trouble is with the mind!
Is taste required for the mind or for the body? Everybody agrees it is required for the
A woman fought with her husband thus, ‘Monday, when I prepared eggplant curry
you said it was wonderful, Tuesday when I prepared eggplant you said it was very
tasty, Wednesday it was good. Thursday you ate silently, Friday you grumbled,
Saturday, today you threw it on my face! Why what’s wrong with you? Why are you
so angry?’ Poor man’s mind, how long will it bear the same old curry! So we
understand clearly that taste is for the mind and automatically the taste ‘salt’ is for
the mind and not for the body.
You don’t mind having a little less of salt, but not a little more of salt. Your body is
used to a certain amount of salt. Lesser quantity makes it feel light, but a greater
quantity makes you spit it at once. Why should you do so? Is it not the same salt you
eat everyday? What’s wrong if you eat a little more one day? Why should your mind
force you to spit it out?
You put a pinch of salt in the mouth of a month old baby whose food is only milk! At
once his smiling face becomes irritable and he spits it out! Who taught him not to eat
it? We too repeat the same spitting. Why? We do like salt! Why then should we spit
it out? It is because it is the duty of the body to protect itself from the enemies, from
the entry of harmful things into the body.

Anything bad makes you suffer initially. The first time you smoke a cigarette you
cough terribly. Your throat and nose burn due to the smoke. But if you persist for
some days the cough disappears. The same way, when you drink brandy for the first
time, you may even vomit due to its bitter taste. But once you become alcoholic, you
love its taste. Just ten days’ friendship turned bad into good for the body. So also
salt becomes good to the body. So the first day when the salt is more, the body
advises you to spit it out, but if you continue eating the same quantity, the body and
the tongue mutely accept it. Anything, even poison is fine, if it is continuously taken!
Ways & Means for Avoiding Salt
Let’s see how the body accepts salt directly (without mixing anything with it)
1. Action in the mouth: Let’s mix a little amount of salt in water and drink a
mouthful of it! As we pour it, into the mouth, the cells at the lips and the delicate
layers in the mouth suffer severely. Some cells die and some cells weaken. Seeing
the death of some cells, the resistance power in the mouth orders the tongue to spit
it out as a first precaution before greater damage is done. That is possible only in the
case of healthy people, whereas weak people, sickly people, slaves of salt and
tastes, can’t obey the orders. They don’t mind swallowing it into the stomach. And
they swallow it.
2. Action in the stomach: So the enemy has crossed the first gate and is now at
the second gate. The salt water reaches the stomach. The resistance power of
healthy people in the stomach, tries to drive out the enemy. It creates a vomiting
sensation and churns the stomach so much that the salt water comes out of it in the
form of vomit. But this doesn’t work with unhealthy people and with those who are
accustomed to the use of salt greatly. The salt water doesn’t cause much harm or
uneasiness in the stomach. A part of it goes into the blood. The remaining part of
salt water goes into the small intestines.
3. Action in the Intestines: As soon as the salt water reaches the small intestines,
the small way between the stomach and the small intestines closes down. So there is
no let out for the salt-water that way. The resistance power there in the intestines
has to make a final attempt to fight it out so that it won’t harm the intestines. It
causes heavy movements in the intestines to drive out the harmful salt water
through anus. The muscles of the intestines send water into the intestines through
mucous layer to dilute the salt water. As a result, the movement in the intestines
increases and the salt water comes out through anus in the form of loose motions.
But if the body has no resistance power it digests the salt and sends it to blood
through small intestines. The salt that is sent into the blood reaches the cells
through blood vessels and poisons them.
A healthy person can fight out the salt at one of these three stages. Spit it
immediately, vomit it or at least send it out through motions. An unhealthy person
makes not only the cells in the stomach and the intestines suffer, but also makes all
other cells in the body suffer since enemy travels through blood.
The body is so careful about its safety that it drives out any foreign matter. It takes
up the duty of excreting the harmful ones first. The body doesn’t suffer even if food
is not provided for one day, but it can’t bear the nuisance of an alien. That is a
healthy sign of the body.

For example, Let’s say something falls in your eye! You can’t rest in peace till you
remove it! Your hands will be after that all the time! It is all the doing of the body. It
makes you restless just to protect the eye.
Let’s assume a thorn pricks you, but you ignore it. The body forms pus there and
makes you suffer. But still you behave like care a not! The poor body does its own
first aid! That pus breaks open driving out the thorn with it. All this is done to
safeguard your body.
Put your finger into your nose, the poor nose doesn’t mind it! But if you want to
tease it by putting your handkerchief in it, it will not bear it with a grin! It may be
your kerchief from your pocket, but for it, it is a stranger. So it makes you sneeze!
You know how powerful a sneeze is! It makes you lift up your head, put a horrible
look and sneeze heavily! It is so strong that if anything has gone in, it is forced to
come out in one shot. The baby might be born out of the womb of the mother, but
the very same mother has no right to keep her finger into her baby’s nose! That is
the strong possessive nature of the body!
Now let’s analyze whether salt is poisonous or useful for the cells. If salt is a useful
food, you should feel like chewing it happily, when you put into your mouth. But you
know you don’t like it! You are eager to spit it out at once! At the very touch of salt,
more of saliva is produced to spit out! If the mouth is rejecting it thus, how can you
call it a useful food? The salt that is sent in is vomited out with excess of water!
Doesn’t it convey it is not needed for the body? At the third stage too, i.e. in the
intestines it is sent out in the form of loose motions. Is n’t it clear that it is not, in
any case, required for the body? The main functioning of the body is to retain the
useful ingredients and to drive out through excretory parts all that is waste and
Salt is present in the body more than the required quantity. Hence it is sent out in
various ways through urine, through sweat, through phlegm and through nasal
discharge. No animal ever touches salt! The natural sodium in the food they eat is
quite sufficient for the animals! That natural salt itself is more for them, so they send
out the excess through urine. That’s why cow’s urine is salty. If we also take natural
food, the excessive sodium therein will also be sent out through urine.
Fig FAT4
The diagram above is the shape of a cell, and its parts. Now it is time for us to learn
a little about the cell. Of course if you are in the habit of eating natural food gifted by
God as it is, we don’t have to learn or study these things. Then things would go on
smoothly. Since we are prone to sickness, it is our primary duty to know what’s
going wrong and where!
It is roughly estimated that our body contains some 125 trillion cells. Just as our
internal parts are covered and safeguarded by the skin, our cells are protected by
cell membranes. This membrane is the skin for the cell. Just like our skin has little
pores to let out sweat, so also do these membranes have little pores. Very minute
blood vessels are arranged to the cells for blood circulation. Just as our body has
some internal parts, so do the cells have some internal parts (Nucleus, galgibody,
protoplasm, mitochondria etc) for different natures of work. If there is water in the
body, there is some sticky substance in wheat color inside the cell. This is called
protoplasm. The food we take turns into glucose and reache the cells through the
minute blood vessels as shown in the figure. The food (glucose) thus reached, is
burnt up in the mitochondria in the cells and promotes energy. There is an eternal
promotion of energy in the mitochondria. Such mitochondria are plenty in the cells.
The energy thus produced eternally is transferred to the phosphate atoms to carry it
out. Such a continuous activity increases the activeness and health of the cells.
When you burn sticks, they give place to ash, the waste material. The same way the
glucose that is burnt in the mitochondria produces waste materials like carbon
dioxide and water along with the useful energy. This waste material is carried forth
to the excretory organs in the return journey of the blood.
The energy is thus produced all the 24 hours, which means the cells are always hot.
Anything that is hot cools down within no time – coffee, rice anything! They cool
down based on the atmosphere and the dampness in the air! If that is the case, we
human beings, who are in the same atmosphere, shouldn’t we also cool down? Why
isn’t our body becoming icy cold? That is the miracle of God’s creation! If our body
becomes cold, it means we are nearing death! The stove at home burns only twice a
day for cooking food. But the stove body burns through out! If that stove comes to a
stand still, our life comes to a stand still. So the energy that is created is our life!
Our savior! Our activity!
The movement in and out – of the cell (food inside-waste material outside) go on
peacefully due to the heat produced in the cell. Your friendship with your friends or
relationship with relatives, remains for long if both of you maintain cordiality. This
theory applies to your cells also. One-way love doesn’t materialize! The cells can’t
retain their health if there is one-way traffic to them in the sense if the cells receive
food but don’t send out waste matter, or vice versa, they will not be in good
condition. If the waste material doesn’t go out of the cells, the protoplasm in the
cells becomes poisonous. On the contrary if the food is not received in the cells, they
lose energy and die an untimely death. Now let’s analyze how the energy is produced
from different types of food.
You must have observed during fasting, that your body is hot if you have taken
plenty of honey. Since honey doesn’t need time to get digested, it reaches blood
straight from stomach and from there reaches the cells at once and produces energy.
Since honey reaches the cells quickly, the energy is produced quickly. This is the
reason why honey is treated as instant energizer. Honey is like petrol whereas sugar
is like kerosene. Kerosene of course burns immediately, but it doesn’t provide
sufficient energy. It releases smoke that causes pollution. If you enkindle fire with
dry sticks they can provide the required heat without any smoke by burning brightly.
The natural food like raw vegetables, fruits, sprouts etc. are like those dry sticks.
They produce more energy for the cells without causing any harm to the body.
You are eating unnatural food, particularly, non-vegetarian! You add salt, oil, and
spices to it. To top it, you fry it in oil. Just as the food doesn’t get cooked properly on
improper sticks, so also this type of food you eat doesn’t get digested quickly. The
food outside slowly gets cooked. The food inside slowly gets digested. The sticks
outside give a smoke now and then, the food inside sends out belching. The fire is
put out whenever a wet wood comes in its way. The digestion inside comes to a
standstill if you drink water during digestion. The time required for digesting the
food is proportionate to the bad food that you eat. The food digested thus spoils the
health of the cells.
The heat produced in the fire is based on the quality of the wood used. The energy
produced in the cells is based on the food you eat. Natural food like seeds and
sprouts can provide greater energy to your cells that will in turn increase your life
span and health.

Can you cut down the same branch on which you are sitting? Should you spend away
the energy produced by the food to digest the very same food? But if you eat salt,
oil, meat, etc the energy produced through that food is again brought back to digest
the same food. That’s why you are so weak in spite of eating so many varieties of
food! Whatever food you eat, irrespective of its quality – good or bad – it goes
completely into the 125 trillion cells of your body.

What’s in and out of a cell?
Let us know the relationship between the cells and salt. The salt in the natural
vegetables and fruits is called ‘sodium’. Sodium and Potassium are two main
elements. Sodium (salt) and Potassium can retain the 68% water in our body
Let us analyze the relationship between the cells and sodium (salt) and potassium.
You know already that the sticky wheat colored thick liquid in the cell is called
protoplasm. Potassium is present in this protoplasm. It means the potassium
occupies the internal part of the cell. Sodium (salt) is present outside the cell. In this
way between one cell and the other sodium is present outside and potassium inside
for all the 125 trillion cells. The ratio is 8:1.8% potassium inside and 1% sodium
outside. This ratio decides the health of a cell. The movements of the food in and out
of the cell are good, if the ratio is normal. If the ratio is disturbed, the cell’s health is
disturbed. They in turn disturb the health of the body of its owner.
The ratio of potassium, sodium (8:1) is based on the food we take. The God who
created our body, designed the food also which would suit the requirements of the
same. As God creates the food, it is second to none. It is a natural food with the
natural ratio (8:1 of potassium and sodium) that is required for us.
The vast earth is created similar to a small cell in our body, in the same way, in the
same ratio. Outside the earth (land) sodium is present in the form of ocean (salt
water). Inside the earth is potassium in the form of trees and plants. Isn’t it strange!
How wonderful is God’s creation! The same ratio of potassium, sodium is maintained
in the vast earth, the small cells of a plant and a tiny cell of a human being! The
same law, the same rule to everyone and everything! No partiality! That’s God’s law!
Salt has more of density. So it is heavy and it tends to flow downwards, whereas
potassium has a tendency to flow upwards. Since the plants have more of potassium,
they are soaring high into the sky. Potassium can increase your intelligence and help
you to go towards your goal. On the contrary sodium pulls you down and doesn’t
allow you to move forward. The salt, because of this tendency, is weakening your
mind and thereby spoiling your health. Let’s deal with this point at a later stage. Now
we will see the ratio of sodium and potassium in the food we eat.
S.No 100g weight Potasium Sodium
1. Wheat Potasium 284 mg sodium 17 mg for 100g weight
2. Malt Potasium 408 mg sodium 11 100g weight
3. Maize Corn Potasium 151 mg sodium 52 100g weight
4. Wheat flour (prepared in flour mill) Potasium 315 mg sodium 20 100g weight
5. Raw bengal gram Potasium 808 mg sodium 37 100g weight
6. Black gram Potasium 800 mg sodium 40 100g weight
7. ‘Bobbarlu’ Potasium 1131 mg sodium 23 100g weight
8. Green gram Potasium 843 mg sodium 28 100g weight
9. Garden leaf Potasium 341 mg sodium 230 100g weight
10. Coriander Potasium 258 mg sodium 58 100g weight
11. Methi Potasium 31 mg sodium 76 100g weight
12. Spinach Potasium 206 mg sodium 58 100g weight
13. Beetroot Potasium 43 mg sodium 761 100g weight
14. Carrot Potasium 1081 mg sodium 36 100g weight
15. One big onion Potasium 127 mg sodium 4 100g weight
16. Potato Potasium 247 mg sodium 11 100g weight
17. Sweet Potato Potasium 393 mg sodium 9 100g weight
18. Bitter gourd Potasium 152 mg sodium 18 100g weight
19. Bottle gourd Potasium 87 mg sodium 2 100g weight
20. Brinjal Potasium 200 mg sodium 3 100g weight
21. French Beans Potasium 39 mg sodium 46 100g weight
22. Cauliflower Potasium 138 mg sodium 53 100g weight
23. Cucumber Potasium 50 mg sodium 10 100g weight
24. Lady’s finger Potasium 50 mg sodium 7 100g weight
25. Lotus stem Potasium 3007 mg sodium 438 100g weight
26. Raw mango Potasium 83 mg sodium 43 100g weight
27. Raw Papayya Potasium 216 mg sodium 23 100g weight
28. Pumpkin Potasium 139 mg sodium 6 100g weight
29. Raw tomato Potasium 114 mg sodium 46 100g weight
30. Snake guard Potasium 50 mg sodium 26 100g weight
31. Rib gourd Potasium 50 mg sodium 3 100g weight
32. Amla Potasium 225 mg sodium 5 100g weight
33. Apple Potasium 75 mg sodium 28 100g weight
34. Banana Potasium 88 mg sodium 37 100g weight
35. Guava Potasium 91 mg sodium 6 100g weight
36. Kala jamon Potasium 55 mg sodium 26 100g weight
37. Mango Potasium 205 mg sodium 26 100g weight
38. Water melon Potasium 160 mg sodium 27 100g weight
39. Orange Potasium 9 mg sodium 5 100g weight
40. Papayya Potasium 69 mg sodium 6 100g weight
41. Pineapple Potasium 37 mg sodium 38 100g weight
42. Pomegranate Potasium 133 mg sodium 1 100g weight
43. Chika Potasium 269 mg sodium 6 100g weight
44. Buffalo’s milk Potasium 90 mg sodium 19 100g weight
45. Cow’s milk Potasium 140 mg sodium 73 100g weight
46. Curds Potasium 130 mg sodium 32 100g weight
Ratios reversed: The table given below shows you how the ratio in and outside the
cell changes by cooking food and adding salt to it.
Fresh peas Fresh peas in oil
(Natural) (fried)
100 g 100 g (seasoning with salt)
316 mg 96 mg (Potasium)
2 mg 236 mg (Sodium)
For example in 100g fresh peas potassium content is 316mg and sodium is 2 mg.
The same fresh peas change its potassium and sodium content by cooking – i.e. by
frying, seasoning and adding salt. When you heat any food, the potassium content in
it gets destroyed. When you add salt for taste it increases the sodium content from 2
to 236 mg. The cooked food becomes harmful because it increases the salt content
and decreases the potassium content. In other words the sodium, potassium ratio is
getting reversed! The reverse law is not always good! From Christmas to New year it
is only one week! But from New year to Christmas it is almost one whole year! So if
the ratio is reversed it causes enormous harm. Cooking food is harmful; adding salt
to it is more harmful. Adding oil, chili powder or spice to green peas is not causing
harm to the cell or to the ratio of the two elements. A mere addition of salt is greatly
disturbing the ratio! It lays the foundation for the decay of cells, which in turn spoils
your health. If you drive out salt, you can drive out disease, if you eat salt less food
it means you are eating harmless food.
As long as the ratio of the sodium and potassium content in the cell is normal the
flow of food, air, water (through blood) into the cell and outside the cell, is normal.
Once the ratio is reversed, the movement is hindered. Consequently the cells
become weak and since they don’t get the required energy they face an untimely
death. Their death gives birth to minor ailments which in turn foster major diseases.
Unable to bear the suffering caused by them, if you control your tastes and turn to
natural food, the cells may regain their health within 5-6 months.
All fruits, vegetable, seeds, milk contain more of potassium and less of sodium
content. If we eat natural food as it is, the same ratio reaches our body and
maintains the same ratio (8:1) life long.
Potassium is lost in the cooked food and so there will be a slight variation in the ratio
even if we don’t add salt to it! We should compensate the loss by eating fruits.
The animals have the same ratio of potassium inside and sodium outside (8:1) their
cells since they eat natural food. If we examine a piece of meat, potassium in it is
270% and sodium is 33%. If we eat raw meat this proportion won’t be disturbed and
so it doesn’t harm the body. That may be the reason why the animals that eat flesh
live their full life without falling sick! Then why are we falling sick when we are eating
the same flesh they eat? It is because we cook it and eat it! We can’t eat it raw. It
takes a longer time to cook meat.
S.No. In 100g meat Raw meat Cooked meat
1 Potassium 270 mg 30 mg
2. Sodium (salt) 33 mg 2033 mg
3. Potassium Sodium ratio 8 : 1 1 : 67
4. The ratio required Normal opposite completely
for the cells
The potassium content reduces from 270 mg to 30 mg due to cooking for long. This
is harmful. You are all used to eat meat making it tasteful. You add water, oil, spices,
more salt and chili powder to avoid its original bad smell and to make it relish able
and tasty to eat.
The meat you cook contains 33 mg sodium (salt) before it is cooked, but while
cooking if you add 2 grams of salt to it the salt content rises up to 2033 mg. It
means the salt content rose up from 33 to 2033 mg. Prior to cooking the ratio of
potassium and sodium is, as needed by the cell (8:1). After cooking it changes to
1:67 ratio. The 8% potassium becomes 1% while the sodium (salt) increases to 67%
1%. The difference is so great that it looks like the difference between the ant and
the elephant. After eating meat the natural ratio of potassium and sodium in the cells
completely changes.
The chronic patients, heart patients and people suffering from skin diseases are
advised by doctors to give up meat. The cells of these patients would have become
weak long before. So you can say, the situation is tense but under control. When the
disease crops up, the intake of meat will aggravate the already burning problem.
That is why such patients are strictly advised against eating meat. The changed ratio
of these two elements leads to bigger problems. If we analyze the cause of disease
we will be able to contain and cure it. Will visit doctors and spending money, cure
you diseases? Never! Can the medicines or the medical treatment bring back the
health of the cells once lost? It is possible only by changing food habits along with
the intake of medicines. Just think for a minute! Are you relieved of your disease by
medicines or by changed food? If it is by medicines you could have just taken
medicines, why should you have to change your diet? You could have then continued
your normal diet!
People wrongly assume one who doesn’t relish tasty food isn’t fit to be a man! In fact
any creature other than man is fulfilling its life’s purpose in a proper way! If you
follow food restrictions every day automatically the things that lead to illness are set
right and the condition of the cells will improve day by day. You should use
medicines only for a dire necessity! Instead if you keep eating everything and
anything and take medicines to cure yourself, it may be a time-pass for you, but
time is passing away from you! The body is spoiled by tasty food you take and the
medicines you eat which cause side effects. The best cure for a disease is your
proper food.
Where is salt stored?
You add a pinch of salt to a glass of water. The salt dissolves in the water, turning
the pure water into salty water. If you use salt in the food you eat, it changes the
water in the body into salty water. So the 68% of water in the body becomes salty.
The body requires pure water but you are making it salty. The poor body cannot bear
it for long.

Fig FAT5
This salt water is stored in the empty space between one cell and the other among
all among all the 125 trillion cells, decaying them (you can observe the space
between the cells in the diagram above). You would have noticed your skin becoming
sticky and hard after a bath in the seawater. If one or two hours’ of bath in the salt
water could give you such an experience, imagine the plight of the cells which are
forever sailing in the salt water! You will feel uneasy till you have fresh water
shower. The poor cells are also longing for such a pure water bath! When the
seawater damages such a hard skin of yours how do you think will the delicate tissue
retain its health?
You have already seen that in the liquid between one cell and the other there is one
per cent of sodium. Instead of leaving alone just one percent of sodium, we are
consuming salt changing the entire liquid more salty. Let’s once again recollect the
fact that a normal cell is expected to have 8% potassium inside and 1% of sodium
Iron gets rusted if it is exposed to salty air. The same way, the salt damages any
part in the body where it is stagnated.
The body has to protect the cells from salt. So it sends forth water to the place
where the salt is more to weaken its impact. Water can dilute salt. The water from
the cell and from the blood vessels goes outside the cell to protect the layer of the
cell. For instance when something falls in the eye, water comes out in an effort to
drive out the stranger. The dust and dirt that enter the nose are sent out in the form
of sneezing. Likewise, the water in the cells and tissues goes out and as a result the
cells loose their elasticity and they come closer. For instance if you have many loose
motions, through which plenty of water goes out, don’t you look weak and pulled
down? It leads to dehydration. Just as the required minerals and salts go out of the
body, leaving it in trouble, so also the potassium comes out of the cells and goes
through urine, leaving them in trouble. Fall in the potassium ratio leads to the fall in
the blood sugar count making you feel tired. It aggravates the loss of potassium. The
process continues as long as you continue to take salt. There is no end to it.
Once the potassium content increases its outside flow there starts a reverse flow.
The salt (sodium) outside the cells comes into the cell crossing the thin layer. This is
more harmful to the potassium. When the ratio (8:1) of potassium and sodium gets
place for diseases. Our life would go on smoothly as long as potassium and sodium
maintain their ratio.
The salt outside the cell rises up to 50%. As per Osmosis, where salt is more, water
moves automatically in that direction. This Osmosis is the reason for the outward
flow of water. The water brings out with it the potassium content too. When the
potassium gets weakened, its enemy becomes stronger and enters the prohibited
area. That entry is the entry for diseases too. Our food changes 8:1 ratio into 1:50
ratio. If we don’t provide the needed amount of potassium (2500 mg) to the body
everyday through food, its opponent becomes strong and spoils the cells. You can
compensate that loss by eating fruits or vegetables everyday.
How much Sodium (salt) is required?
On an average, a man needs 200-300 mg sodium for keeping good health. The salt
we use is known as Sodium Chloride. The natural salt in vegetables, fruits, milk etc is
called Sodium. Outflow of Sodium from the body depends on the atmospheric
condition outside. The natural Sodium can be sent out easily without any harm to the
Usually, the salt we add for taste is roughly from 4000 mg to 25000 mg (it means
40-25g). We do get the natural Sodium 300-1000 through our food which is more
than the needed 300mg. It means our body is getting 4300 to 26000 mg through
natural Sodium and Sodium chloride!
Disadvantages from salt
1. Swelling: Those who eat more salt generally carry 6-7 liters of water in the body
making the cells float in the salty fluid. In some people the water quantity may be
more inside. Their bodies look swollen. This excess water hinders free flow of oxygen
(life energy) to the cells causing them die. Don’t you feel breathless when you dip
yourself in water for few seconds? The poor cells face the same breathlessness all
the 24 hours!
2. Increase in body weight: By eating more salt you are allowing the water to get
stored in the body, increasing your weight. Salt holds and stores water thereby the
body will be sagging. Overweight makes you prone to disorders in the body.
3. Arthritis: The excess of salt in the body affects the joints. Cobwebs gather more
in corners, so also salt in joints. If you ask a beggar for his life ambition, he will
promptly say, ‘one day I should beg in America’. It means even if he is given a
chance, he can’t come out of his begging instinct. The same way, the salt, which is
harmful, can’t keep quiet without decaying or spoiling the part of the body in which it
is! The salt stagnated between the joints eats away the gummy substance and
joints. Don’t think that your arthritis is because of your age. It is because of the salt
that is in joints. Simple remedy to cure arthritis is - giving up salt.
4. Harm to certain parts: You can see that the face, hands, ankle, feet of some
people are sometimes swollen. You can test by pressing those parts. The excess salt
in the body stays in these parts because the body is sending more water to save the
cells and bones from salt. Swelling is a warning signal to let you know the suffering
of the cells.
5. They care the size of the item: You all wrongly assume that High B.P. is a
silent killer. You know that the more you eat salt, the more it is stored in and around
125 trillion cells attracting more water. Because of this excess of water the cells and
the empty place outside the cells will always be swollen. As a result the blood vessels
there will be exposed to pressure. The normal energy of the heart is not sufficient to
circulate blood to the cells when blood vessels are under pressure. In normal
condition the heart pumps at 120 pressure (energy), but now unless the heart beats
with more pressure than this, it cannot reach blood to the cells. The pressure rising
up more than 120 is called B.P.
The theory of relativity works here. More pressure causes harm to heart. The poor
heart will not have enough rest, as B.P. increases. The pressure will be 80 when
heart takes rest. The days you have hectic work, you can’t relax. So also the poor
heart doesn’t get even that minimum rest (0.4 seconds) once it gets B.P. The salt
hardens the blood vessels carrying blood to the heart. The contraction and expansion
of the blood vessels are not normal and so blood doesn’t move forward. This is yet
another reason for B.P. Shall I suggest you a very simple medicine? It has no side
effects; it requires no money, no doctor’s suggestions and above all it is available in
front of you in your own home! Number one medicine for B.P. in the whole world is
giving up salt! Totally give up salt and be a stranger to B.P.
6. Heart Trouble: The heart can work more with less energy and can relax for a
longer time if you give up salt completely. The heart muscles contract due to excess
salt. The calcium in the muscles is lost due to presence of salt. The same way the
valves and the blood vessels to the heart become hard and they can’t function
properly. Slowly when each part is thus affected, it will reach a stage where the
heart stops working efficiently. Not only that. The blood becomes thickened due to
the excessive salt and so the heart cannot pump blood easily. The movements of the
heart muscles are affected due to salt and so the heart has to work more than its
normal routine.
7. Paralysis: There is a possibility of B.P. shooting up when the blood vessels
narrow down or become hard. As a result the head, the brain and the blood vessels
are likely to be affected which will lead to paralysis.
8. Bad Odor: The water in the whole body becomes salty when salt gets stored in
and outside the cell. We don’t sweat, we don’t urinate much if excess of salt remains
in the body. Since the cells have more than the required bad water, they can’t
receive the air properly and so the waste material in them is not burnt quickly. That’s
why man’s mouth gives bad odor. The air he exhales, his sweat, his urine, his motion
stink. For that matter, even his mind! The real culprit for all this is the salt, which
attracts towards it all that is bad and retains it in your body.
So, if you don’t eat salt, you don’t have to brush your teeth, you don’t have to bathe,
you don’t have to pour water over your urine. Your motion won’t give a bad smell. To
top it all, your mind gets purified! Does it sound like cock and bull story? Of course
not! Only if you experience it, you will realize it! How long can you hide the dirt
inside by bathing twice or by applying body sprays?
9. Kidney Problem: There is no point in crying over spoilt milk! But people realize
the impact of anything only after it is too late. Only when the kidneys are totally
damaged, do they try to give up salt since it is then that they do realize its harm!
What is harmful is harmful forever not only when you are sick, but also when you are
hale and healthy. The association of a bad friend turns you to evil. The water, the
friend of salt, remains more in the body to give company to salt and both together
work upon the kidneys. So the pressure of water is borne not only by heart but also
by kidneys. The excessive salt leads to stones in the kidneys.
God has created kidneys to filter efficiently pure water for 100 years, but how long
can they work effectively if you supply them salt water? Salt brings with it only a sad
story! So salt seems to be knee bent on causing harm to the kidneys! Salt is going to
destroy all the internal parts one after the other, systematically!
10. Chronic Diseases: Small ailments, if neglected, lead to major diseases or
chronic diseases. As has already been explained to you, the storage of salt water
weakens the cells. It affects the flow of fresh air, water and food laying foundation
for diseases. Unless you give up salt, your cells cannot restore their lost health!
There are patients whose chronic skin diseases are cured by giving up salt totally
and by eating natural food. The skin diseases ‘Psoriasis’ can be cured completely by
giving up salt. The medicines can only subside your pain, but cannot cure you.
Unless you strike at the root cause, the chronic diseases won’t yield to you!
11. Sugar complaint: You already know that if you give up salt, your B.P., kidney
problem or the stones in the kidneys will be cured. But do you know, that if you
don’t eat salt, you can be cured of your diabetes too? When there is a scarcity of
Potassium in the cells, you have to supplement it with insulin for the free flow of
food. The insulin hormone doesn’t function properly in sugar patients. So it is treated
through medicines, ignoring the damage caused to the cells.
So far, you have been under the impression that you can control sugar complaint
only if you take medicines regularly. One day you miss a tablet it will shoot up – is
your experience. But now try this way! You give up salt and eat the food that
contains potassium. Then cells can get food easily, needing less insulin. It you follow
this you will be cured of your sugar complaint without the need for medicines.
You have already seen in detail how the excess of salt drives out the potassium in
the cells and changing the 8:1 ratio of the potassium and sodium elements. In such
a situation the glucose in the blood takes a longer time to be converted into energy.
So if the cells don’t use the glucose that you send in, through food, the glucose
remains in the blood vessels, leading to blood sugar. Then you feel weak, because
the cells are not getting the required glucose.
The sum and substance of it is- glucose is converted into energy quickly with less
insulin provided the 8:1 ratio of the two elements remains normal. Many of you must
have noticed that your sugar reading comes down if you eat raw vegetables for a few
days. You know why? The raw vegetables have the potassium and sodium elements
as required by the cells.
12. Asthma, Allergy, Sinus: Water remains stored wherever salt remains. So the
water you drink, is diverted only for that purpose. In fact the entire water becomes
salty. Since there is no pure water in the body it leads to dehydration. A hormone
called ‘Histamin’ is produced in such a situation. As a result the air passages in the
lungs have an obstruction. So, sticky substances will be produced in the lungs an in
sinus parts. It leads to sneezing, cold, allergy, breathlessness and Asthma. Such
problems arise for two simple factors – 1. you consume salt and 2. you don’t drink
the required quantity of water. There is an unending list of diseases that crop up due
to one harmful item - THE SALT.
To cut a long story short, from the biggest part of the body to the minutest item, the
cell, which could only be seen through the microscope, all are affected by the
mischief-maker. One pinch of salt a day corrupts thoroughly all the busy bees in our
body! The king’s lust for power makes his people suffer. Here, your lust for the king
‘salt’ makes you suffer.
More than the treatment of any disease, the diagnosis is the most important factor.
Any problem can be sorted out once for all, if you strike at the root cause of evil.
Physical wants can be driven out, not by providing material comforts, but by
providing spiritual knowledge! So your diseases can be cured or even prevented by
analyzing your responsibility to yourself!
You have been eating food along with salt! You have been suffering in someway or
other! So you try eating salt less food advocated for just four months! It can’t cause
you adverse effect! It can, on the contrary, show you personally the golden path in
‘Lord, where we are wrong,
Make us willing to change;
Where we are right, make us
Easy to live with’
Health is not a condition of matter, but of mind! You decide.

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