Saturday, October 17, 2009

Raw Vegetables – Their Uses

We are so used to cooked food in our lives that we refuse the natural food. All the
nutrients that body needs are available abundantly in the raw vegetables. Many
animals are leading a happy healthy life thriving on natural food. But ever since man
learnt to eat cooked food, he has sown the seed of disease.
All the seven tastes are naturally available in raw food. When you boil natural food, it
loses its real taste and becomes insipid. So to make it tasty we add other things.
‘Man’s thoughts depend on the food he eats”. Our thoughts would be natural if we
eat natural food. The minutest aspect in our food is our mind. So if the food is a
natural one, from the five elements of nature, then it suits our body.
This body of ours is not ours. We do not create it. God has created it! He has created
necessary food for our survival even before we came into this world. ‘So eat always
from the table of God - The fruits of the trees, the grain and grasses of the field, the
milk of beasts and the honey of bees. For everything beyond these is Satan, who
leads by the way of sins and of diseases unto death.’
Natural food is that which enables all the parts of our body worked healthily for 100
years, is that which provides us energy, is that which supplies us the resisting power
against diseases. There is only one type of food that doesn’t cause us diseases and
that prevents diseases – it is nothing but natural food with its natural taste.
The natural food is nourished by the five elements of nature making it useful for the
five senses of the body. Once the food is cooked, it loses all its nutrients. By eating
such food the body loses its pranic (life).
Mouth: Raw vegetables have natural fibrous material. It keeps the teeth will become
sparklingly white! Mouth gets resistance power. Since you have to chew and eat raw
vegetables a greater part of digestion is done in the mouth itself. More of saliva is
oozed which helps easy digestion. The natural food is so tasty that however much
you may eat, you won’t become sick of it and you don’t feel it insipid.
Raw food veins you away from tastes. If you have diamond jewellery, do you like to
wear America diamonds? Once you learn to appreciate this natural taste, you are not
lured by the artificial taste. In other words, you develop a control over your sense
organs. You don’t feel thirsty when you eat natural food and digestion becomes easy.
Stomach: You get plenty of enzymes required for the body in raw vegetables that
help quick digestion. Intestines need not work hard to digest food. You will eat
lesser quantity than cooked food. You get abundant quantity of natural vitamins and
minerals through natural food. You don’t have to draw the stored minerals and
vitamins stored in the body. Lesser quantity of hydrochloric acid and other digestive
juices are enough for digestion. With the increase of useful bacteria in the body its
resistance power also improves.
The stomach gains free time with easy digestion process and lesser effort. Stomach
doesn’t bloat. No scope for sour belching or heaviness in the stomach. The mucous
layers in the stomach remain healthy.
Small Intestines: Raw food gets digested easily in the small intestines also with
enough enzymes, vitamins and minerals there. Small quantity of digestive juices
produced in liver, pancreas and intestines is enough to digest this food. E vitamin in
natural food helps in the free flow of iron into the-blood from the small intestine.
Even after the cooked food is digested the digestive juices continue to be produced
in the empty stomach. But it does not happen once the natural food is digested and
it goes slowly into the blood. Some vegetables contain natural insulin that helps in
curing diabetes. If the diabetes patients eat raw vegetables it reaches the cells fast
giving energy quickly. Here the raw vegetables act as medicines to sugar patients.
Large Intestines: Large quantity of feaces is produced due to the large amount of
fibrous material that pressures the intestines. It enables a free motion. Regular free
motion does not allow gas problem, ameobiasis, stomachache, constipation or piles
complaint. If the fasces doesn’t stagnate in the intestines, more of useful bacteria
will be produced in the large intestines that in turn killing the harmful bacteria and
purging them out through motion. The animals don’t have constipation for the simple
reason they eat only natural food! The root cause of any disease is constipation! The
body never suffers if you are used to natural food.
Cells: Raw vegetables in wholesome are useful to the body. It does not leave much
waste when digested. It helps in maintaining the right ratio of potassium and sodium
helping the cells to work energetically. With cooked food the ratio is disturbed
causing ill health to cells and the body.
Excretory Organs: Since the produced waste is in small quantity the excretory
organs work efficiently. It makes the body remain healthy, free of any chronic
diseases. Body gets required salt naturally through raw vegetables, with no necessity
to add salt to your food. Since excess salt is not consumed the kidney can function
normally. The more quantity of water in the raw vegetables acts as pure mineral
water for the body. Raw vegetables get digested within 2 – 3 hours of eating them.
Leaving enough rest time to intestines in the night. It also helps the body to carry on
excretory process unhindered. Since the excretory organs function well, the body,
the mouth, urine, motion, sweat don’t emit bad odor. Cholesterol, blood pressure,
heart problems and other ailments can be cured easily.
Cooked food itself is harmful to health. Added salt, chili powder or other tastes only
worsen it. The loss caused by cooked food has to be compensated by taking raw
vegetables. It is advisable to take raw vegetables in food both morning and evening.
Grating and eating as much as fresh raw vegetables is good. If you can’t eat raw
vegetables, you can for their juice. To relish it you may add any fruit juice and honey
to it.

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