Saturday, October 17, 2009

Lecithin- An Antidote for Cholesterol

Lecithin, a fat content is available in sprouts. Lecithin helps in the construction of
every cell in our body. The element Lecithin occupies 30% weight of brain, and 17%
weight of nerves. 73% of fat in the liver is provided by Lecithin. Not only that,
Lecithin plays an important role in the preparation of glands to promote hormones. It
also helps the muscles of heart and kidneys. If the nerves, brain and the glands work
more, a greater amount of Lecithin will be consumed. Lack of enough Lecithin leads
to weakness and irritation. The food that we eat influences our mind.
Where to find Lecithin: It is available in Soya bean seeds, grains along with outer
skin, sprouts and especially in the yellow of the egg.
In addition to the supply of Lecithin from outside through our food, the liver in the
body produces Lecithin regularly as it produces cholesterol (80%). The liver provides
the daily quota of Lecithin. It is possible only when all the required ‘B’ vitamins are
available in the body. White rice, white wheat flour, food stuffs of which the outer
layer is peeled off, deep fries, curries from which water is squeezed out - all these
lose the ‘B’ vitamin content in them. Deficiency of B vitamin results in Lecithin
Mental tension and old age slacken the production of Lecithin. Consumption of food
like soya beans, sprouts, milk, brown rice etc will compensate the deficiency while
enabling the liver to produce more Lecithin. Natural food in its natural form will make
you naturally healthy.
Lecithin’s Functions: 1. Heart is the main beneficiary of Lecithin. When cholesterol
content in the body increases more than its required percentage, it stagnates in the
veins and arteries, resulting in the blockage of blood vessels. It leads to blood clots.
Blood clots obstruct the free flow of blood in the blood vessels. When blocks are
formed in the blood vessels of heart, it leads to heart attack. If the same block
appears in the brain you call it paralysis. The problem is the same in both of themstagnation
of cholesterol in the blood vessels! Lecithin has the capacity to push its
way through cholesterol, which enables a free circulation of the blood.
‘A bad thought could be counteracted by a good thought’. Cholesterol could be
counteracted through Lecithin. We can bid a good bye to B.P and heart problems
without medicine.
2. Cholesterol and Lecithin that are produced every day in the liver join hands with
the bile produced in the liver and reach small intestines. They join the food and
reach blood after the food is digested. Lecithin helps in carrying the fats we eat into
the body. The cholesterol and fat that have joined the blood from the food, are
separated from blood by Lecithin and it helps the cells using both of them with no
chance for stagnation. Lecithin assures you of a fat free body with no scope for
3. We have noticed that Lecithin is a fat content. It means whatever the fatty food it
contains Lecithin also. Lecithin helps in making the fat in the blood break into smaller
pieces. So when the fat in the blood is greater than the Lecithin supply, it leads to
the blockage of blood vessels. (Ethiro sclerosis). Since the fat is not cut into small
pieces for want of Lecithin, the fat content travels forward signaling danger. The
same thing repeats in the cells when there is a Lecithin deficiency.
4. The cells get decayed if Lecithin is not supplied enough. Decay can be stopped
when Lecithin is provided.
5. Do you know about the research done by Dr. Edward R. Hivith? He observed that
if the old people, between 70 and 90, eat food containing plenty of fats, the fats
after they are digested; remain in their blood for 5 to 7 hours. For some people they
remain for almost 20 hours. He also observed the fats taking more time to reach the
cells. Then he tried an experiment on them. He gave them Lecithin before taking
food and provided the same fatty food as in the earlier case. The time taken by the
fats to reach the cells was exactly the same as it was taken in young people!
6. Lecithin is a natural medicine for nervous tension.
7. Lecithin increases gama globulin in he blood which in turn increases the resistance
power in the body. It also cures chronic skin diseases. Lecithin is more in the sperm
of man. It is very much required to enhance his sexual urge.
8. Lecithin is essential for the energy of the nerves, mental strength and for the
production of hormones. It is very important for the formation of cells in brain,
nerves and glands.
If you fall sick, you should not blame the body! You should ask the question what
food did it get? It is you who gave the wrong food!
As long as you get the proper supply of Lecithin, you don’t get heart trouble,
cholesterol, paralysis or B.P.

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