Saturday, October 10, 2009

Night-shift workers beware

Have you noticed that ever since you started working the night shift, your clothes seem to be shrinking? If so, you could be gaining weight because of your work schedule. That's according to a recent study of nearly 100 nurses, nursing assistants, and security guards at St. Luke's-Roosevelt Hospital Center in New York.
The study reported that once people started working evenings and nights, they gained an average of 8 pounds (3.6 kg) compared with day-shift workers, who lost an average of 1 pound (0.5 kg). Although researchers didn't find a definitive cause for the weight gain, they did note that night- and eveningshift workers eat snacks more frequently, exercise less, and go to bed sooner after eating their last meal compared with those who work during the day.
1. If you work a night or evening shift and want to avoid the weight-gain trap, take this advice:
2. Bring fruit or other healthy, low-fat snacks to work.
3. Exercise regularly.
4. Maintain regular meal patterns.
5. Don't eat a big, heavy meal right before going to bed. ]

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